MPA Endorsement Of Eric Toney For Wisconsin Attorney General
Calling it a “Life and Death Decision,” Milwaukee Police Association Endorses Toney for AG
(November 01, 2021) - Milwaukee Police Association members are working on the front lines every day to provide the highest degree of uninterrupted public safety service to the community. So is Fond du Lac District Attorney Eric Toney. That is why the MPA, representing 1,500 professional Police Officers, Forensic Investigators, and Detectives of the City of Milwaukee, proudly announces its endorsement of Eric Toney for the office of Wisconsin Attorney General.
“The MPA’s decision to support DA Toney is not based solely on promises – it is a life and death decision for our police officers and our communities,” said Andrew Wagner, acting president of the MPA. “When we hear, ‘defund the police’, we need an Attorney General that will stand up to this rhetoric and fight for the resources needed to maintain law and order. But our current Attorney General has let us down. He has shown us that law enforcement and law and order clearly are not his priority. The so-called ‘Top Cop’ has put safety at the bottom.”
The MPA – the entire state – needs our criminal justice leaders to direct resources toward the efforts that will help us stem a crime epidemic most of us haven’t seen in our lifetimes in this city. Police officers are out there doing the job day after day, but they cannot do it alone and they cannot do it without a partnership with the very agency – DOJ – that provides officer training, vital crime lab services, and sufficient resources for staffing and funding the justice system. The current Attorney General has overseen cuts to all these areas key to community safety, including gutting the state’s prosecutors’ offices.
The son of a 30-year retired Wisconsin Deputy Sheriff, DA Toney has experience working at the intersection of the community and the law, both as a District Attorney and as a private attorney who worked for justice for his clients. DA Toney has led the fight to change the laws that endanger our communities. He successfully worked with local officials, the state legislature, and the Governor to change state law to prevent violent sex offenders from being dumped all over Wisconsin and now requires them to be placed in their county of residency, when a court orders their release.
The city of Milwaukee is at a crisis point amid a surge of violent crime that has made us a national shame. Our homicide rate is on pace for another record year after it just doubled in 2020. Our police officers are doing their part with what they have. We need an Attorney General who does his part.
“Milwaukee’s homicide epidemic is bleeding into the rest of Wisconsin, and families are living in fear of violent crime due an attorney general playing politics with public safety. As the state’s next ‘Top Top,’ I’ll be a strong partner with the MPA, and I’ll fight to ensure they have the tools and resources needed to protect all residents of Milwaukee,” said District Attorney Eric Toney. “As the son of a cop, I‘ve seen firsthand the sacrifices MPA members make each and every day, and understand the overwhelming majority of our law enforcement officers would give up their life to keep us safe. They have earned our support, and they deserve an attorney general that won’t turn their back on law enforcement.”
Eric Toney is the tough-on-crime prosecutor Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin needs to combat the surge in violent crime and he'll be a strong partner for law enforcement during this critical moment.
It is for all these reasons, and it is for our future, that the Milwaukee Police Association endorses Eric Toney for Wisconsin Attorney General.
The Milwaukee Police Association (MPA) was founded in 1909 as The Police Officer’s Protective Association of the City of Milwaukee and later became known as the Milwaukee Professional Policemen’s Protective Association. The MPA has continued the mission of our founders: to protect and advocate for the over 1,500 members of the Association.
Andrew Wagner
Milwaukee Police Association