Police Officer Charles Irvine, Jr.

Incident Details:
Police Officer Charles G. Irvine Jr. died on June 7, 2018 as a result of a crash of his squad car on Milwaukee's Northwest Side. Officer Irvine and his partner were involved in the pursuit of a reckless vehicle at which time the squad crashed near N. 76th Street and W. Silver Spring Drive. The officers were transported to Froedtert Hospital with serious injuries. Officer Irvine died as a result of his injuries despite the heroic, lifesaving measures of the Milwaukee Fire Department and the medical team at Froedtert.
Officer Irvine was 23-years-old and assigned to District Four. He began his service with the Milwaukee Police Department at the age of 19 and became a police officer at the age of 21.
The other officer suffered serious injuries in the crash.
We mourn with the families of both men. Officer Irvine, Jr. is survived by his mother, stepfather, sister, longtime girlfriend, and grandparents.